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Migration Capstone Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the pass rate on the assessment events?
The pass rate for each of the assessment events is 65%.

2. Are the assessments graded?
The assessments are Pass/Fail only. There will not be any grading on your final letter of completion. The pass rate for each of the assessments is 65%. You must pass each assessment event to complete the Migration Agents Capstone Assessment.

3. Can I undertake the Capstone assessment while still studying my Diploma of Migration Law?
Unfortunately, no. The entry requirement is for applicants who have completed the Diploma of Migration Law. You are expected to provide certified copies of your qualifications upon application.

4. I am finishing my Graduate Diploma  soon. Can I still sit the assessment in the next assessment?
You can apply to sit the next assessment intake but you need to provide your current university transcript as well as a letter of completion from the university to be accepted. Once you receive your final testamur from the university you will be expected to provide a certified copy to LTA. This is ONLY for students who expect to receive their final testamur immediately before the next intake start-date.

5. How many times will the Capstone assessment run each year?
We run an intake in February, June, and October each year.

6. What happens if I fail a Component of the Assessment?
The Capstone Assessment has been designed so you only resit the component of assessment you failed. If you failed the oral assessment, but pass both components of the written assessment you only need to enrol to resit the failed oral assessment component. If you pass the oral assessment, but fail only one component of the written assessment, you are only expected to resit the written assessment component that you have failed. This assessment will not retest what you have already passed.  You must pass all three assessments within a 12 month period to pass the Capstone.  If you do not pass all three assessment components within a 12 month period then you must re-enrol into the Capstone as a new candidate should you wish to continue attempting the Capstone.

7. Will I have access to LEGENDcom?
Yes. All enrolled candidates will have access to Legendcom for the open date for the Capstone assessment that intake.  If candidates need LEGENDcom earlier than the published open date, then subscriptions are available for purchase directly from LEGENDcom.  Early access to the free LEGENDcom offered via LTA for each intake is not possible.

8. Is the Capstone Assessment open-book?
All the assessments are open-book. You are welcome to use soft and hard copies to assist you, including your access to LEGENDcom.

9. What documents do I need to provide for evidence to qualify for entry?
You will need to provide 100 points of Identification which can include drivers licence, passport, birth certificate, citizenship papers. You will also need your university transcript and qualification. You are required to provide photo evidence as well as capture a photo of yourself during the application process. This is the equivalent of a student identification and will be used to check your identification when sitting the exams. You must ensure the photo is true and current.

10. What is cheating, plagiarism, and collusion?
Do not share any content from Canvas, or make copies of any assessments, and/or share with any other person.  This includes mentors, coaches, potential candidates, RMAs, lawyers, and Capstone preparation providers.  This is strictly prohibited and is deemed academic misconduct.  Do not copy and paste content you did not author into your answers, or collude with others who are sitting the assessments. See the policy document and Canvas announcements for more detail.


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